Monday, November 15, 2010

portraiture assingment

My gorgeously amazing friend Georgia shot with zero makeup for a school photography project. I had originally intended to shoot Georgia and Elyse with incredibly vampy makeup and after several hours of prep we arrived at the cemetery to find it closed. I kind of didn't expect the visiting hours issue so I ended  up shooting them at a near by church and unfortunately didn't get to finish the film as I was running out of light (photos to come soon). So I grabbed Georgia after school one day and we went straight to the cemetry and shot the rest of the film with lots of time to spare. I'm really happy with how they turned out but I'm still trying to get the hang of taking good photos (my patience seems to get in the way sometimes). Excuse the scratches I was a bit temperamental when processing my film so my negatives turned out a little dodgey. Also the quality of the pictures are definitely not great I literally only did one fluke print of each photo in the darkroom.

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